Cats Are My Passion...
Hi there! My name is Lauren, and I’m a cat behaviorist. I know, this isn’t exactly a career many people have heard of. Truth be told, it’s more of a calling, than a career. A nagging, incessant calling that is born from such a deep curiosity and love for cats, and everything about them.
So, what exactly do I do?I help cat guardians get to the root of their cats’ behavioral problems. I then provide them with the tools and support they need in order to create and sustain a lifestyle that’s conducive to healthy and positive behavior.
I, myself, have four incredible and extremely loved cats. (One of them is cuddled up in my right arm right now, so I’m having to type one-handed. A small price to pay 😉 )
I have dealt with such a plethora of behavior issues with my own cats, which is why I know exactly how you are feeling at this very moment. My heart broke every single time my friends or family would tell me to “just get rid of them”. I would then proceed to feel guilty, and question my own judgment.
I am here to help you get through the tough stuff. No one took my hand and led me down the right path when it came to my cat’s behavior issues. I don’t want you to have to go through the same frustrating process of endless trial and error.
Not only is that a very difficult path, but bad advice can also break down, and even destroy the human-cat bond.
Behavior problems in cats may seem small, but they can consume your life and relationships. If you’re like me, you wouldn’t give up your cats for anything, and I don’t want you to have to choose between your cat, and the life you want for yourself.
I am so humbled by the dedicated cat parents I have the honor of working with, and I really hope that you value yourself, your time, and your cat enough to be my next client.