Schedule Your Introductory Call with A Cat Behaviorist

What Is The Purpose Of This Call?

Find Out Which Behavior Package Fits You & Your Cat's Needs

Get Your Questions Answered

Note: The cat behaviorist not answer behavior questions during this call. Only questions regarding cat behavior packages & your concerns.

Ensure We Are Compatible & Would Like To Work Together

Ensure you and your cat behaviorist are a good fit to work together to resolve your cat behavior issues.

Unique Situations

Find out if our services are right for you, and your unique situation.

Schedule Your Call Here:

Just pick a date and time to meet with your cat behaviorist, then the scheduler will prompt you to do the rest!

What Lauren's Clients Have to Say...

“”I first met Lauren on a cat behavioral page when I adopted my boy. He has had the worst start in life and was terrified of life itself. [He came from a hoarder’s house in Dubai, where he was confined to a cage with two other cats.]

Lauren kindly said she was happy to give me a few helpful tips so we began our journey together. This hasn’t been the easiest for either of us, as we’re on different continents but we have made it work. Unfortunately, toffee is also very ill [and almost completely blind] but with our dedication, patience and mutual understanding, toffee has now gone from being a terrified poorly little boy, to a stronger happier cat that is growing in confidence daily.

When he arrived here, he spent his life in a cardboard box, not moving. Now he loves his bed and cat tree, no box in sight, and he talks to us. He is purring at our tickle times, and even trusts me to rub his belly.

All this has happened in just 11 weeks! He still has a long way to go, but thanks to Lauren’s advice, and our persistence, hopefully he has a long, happy, caring life ahead and NEVER has a negative experience again.

Thank you hunny for your help although I think you’re secretly in love with him too.”

xxx Toffee’s Mom, Sandy

We knew we needed help to control some behaviors of our two cats – one scratched everything and the other hid from absolutely everyone. We were also pretty skeptical about a Cat Behaviorist…is that a thing? We met Lauren by Zoom for our initial consultation and she was great. Luckily we are in Orlando and she was able to assess them in person. Totally worth it. Her consultative and caring manner kept the pets in focus and she gave us a detailed plan to follow. I’m proud to share that the behaviors have been fixed which will ensure many happy years with the cats and two sane owners!

– Bryan Long

“Monkey is using the whole room with confidence! For the first time in her life, she actually pooped in the litter box. We were so excited we threw a little party! And we went and gave her a bunch of hugs and pets. My biggest learning lesson is what a difference understanding your cat can make.”

– Kirstie & Chris Smith

“Deciding to work with you is the best thing I’ve done this year so far 🥰 you are awesome. My connection with Ari seems stronger day by day. She’s following me, resting around me, she’s looking for my company. This evening it went so well I felt like crying with a bit of relief for the first time.

-Ari & Mia’s mom

“Lauren has been extraordinarily helpful with her tips and Behavior Plan for my cat, Bogdan. I adopted him as a 2 year old and he had a few behavioral problems. Lauren listened intently as I described my concerns and formatted a lovely plan for me and my cat. The multiple page document I was sent laid out each concern I had with an abundance of solutions. She explained signs of over-stimulation in cats, gave tips on play structure and how to keep him off my counters. I had 6 different concerns and she helped with each and every one. I also appreciated the inclusion of links to purchase different items to enrich my cats environment. I trust Lauren’s opinion and expertise and would recommend her to anyone with a cat they love.”

-Margo M. a.k.a. Bogdan’s Mom

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! I conduct most of my consultations over Zoom, especially because of COVID-19. We can also do it over the phone, if you are more comfortable with that. If you have concerns, schedule an introductory call with me.

Cats are independent beings, and while we can have a strong influence on their behavior, we cannot control it. Many feline behavior problems require a lot of time and patience to correct – some are simpler and quicker than others. There are many influencing factors, and many times the issues are not standalone.

Behavior packages can be extended if you need more time, and in some cases, this may be strongly recommended. If you are concerned, you may schedule an introductory consult with me to make sure that we click!

There are two ways to determine this.

  1. See if you can identify with any of the behavior problems listed under the consultation information.
  2. Schedule an introductory consultation with me, and I will ask you questions about your situation, in order to determine which option is the best fit for you.

Yes! For this particular situation, I recommend choosing the Comprehensive Behavior Package, so I can set you up with a custom behavior plan. Otherwise, you may schedule a Basic Consultation with me, and purchase extra sessions afterwards, if needed.

No. I am not a pet medium, animal communicator, or a psychic of any kind. My skills are based in behavior science, observation, and problem solving. For the most part, I work with you directly to make adjustments to your cat’s routines, interactions, environment, etc., in order to influence their behavior.

I will want to meet your cat, but after observing your cat’s behaviors, I will be working directly with you.

A free introductory call with me will last about 25 minutes. It’s purpose is for me to get a quick background on your cat’s situation, to answer any questions you may have regarding the packages or the consultation itself, and to help you decide whether or not my services are right for you. No behavior questions will be answered during this call, and it does not take the place of a consultation.

Let me first tell you what I do not recommend. I do not recommend ANY type of fear-based training/behavior modification techniques (i.e. caging, flooding, squirt bottles, etc.) . I will never recommend any alpha training techniques (which is basically trying to put your cat in it’s place by being the top cat yourself, and is based in pseudo-science).

What I do recommend is positive reinforcement techniques (such as clicker training), trust building exercises and techniques, desensitization (strategically exposing the cat to something to diminish the associated fear), and counterconditioning (turning a negative experience into a positive one). I will also most likely recommend changes to make the environment more cat-friendly.

I cannot guarantee that your cat’s behavioral issues can be fixed within any sort of time frame. Anyone guaranteeing results is not following the ethical standards and practices set forth by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. Be wary of these people. Behavior modification takes time and patience, and every single situation is unique. However, I should be able to identify the possible causes that are influencing your cat’s problem behavior from our first consultation. 

During a consultation, I will be gathering as much information as possible, based off of your questionnaire, plus observation of your cat and the home environment. This will allow me to develop your behavior plan. The behavior plan will detail my assessment of what is causing the behavior problem, and my recommendations that you will need to implement in order to see a positive change in your cat’s behavior. 

You must be willing to dedicate the time that’s necessary in order to see the results you are hoping for. There is no magic wand I can wave to change your cat’s behavior overnight or during a consultation.

I will need you to:

  • Fill out the questionnaire at least two days prior to our consultation.

I will request videos that are relevant to the behavior(s) of concern. These could include, but are not limited to:

  • Cat doing the behavior
  • Specifics of their environment
  • Playtime
  • Routines
  • etc.

Having as much information and video footage ready for me before the consultation is highly recommended, and makes things easier.

Cats Are My Passion...

Hi there! My name is Lauren, and I’m a cat behaviorist. I know, this isn’t exactly a career many people have heard of. Truth be told, it’s more of a calling, than a career. A nagging, incessant calling that is born from such a deep curiosity and love for cats, and everything about them.

So, what exactly do I do?I help cat guardians get to the root of their cats’ behavioral problems. I then provide them with the tools and support they need in order to create and sustain a lifestyle that’s conducive to healthy and positive behavior.

I, myself, have four incredible and extremely loved cats. (One of them is cuddled up in my right arm right now, so I’m having to type one-handed. A small price to pay 😉 )

I have dealt with such a plethora of behavior issues with my own cats, which is why I know exactly how you are feeling at this very moment. My heart broke every single time my friends or family would tell me to “just get rid of them”. I would then proceed to feel guilty, and question my own judgment.

I am here to help you get through the tough stuff. No one took my hand and led me down the right path when it came to my cat’s behavior issues. I don’t want you to have to go through the same frustrating process of endless trial and error.
Not only is that a very difficult path, but bad advice can also break down, and even destroy the human-cat bond.

Behavior problems in cats may seem small, but they can consume your life and relationships. If you’re like me, you wouldn’t give up your cats for anything, and I don’t want you to have to choose between your cat, and the life you want for yourself.

I am so humbled by the dedicated cat parents I have the honor of working with, and I really hope that you value yourself, your time, and your cat enough to be my next client.

Black and white photo of me, with my tabby cat, Nia, on my shoulders

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